Business Archives - NK AjourNal art blog Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:15:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Business Archives - NK AjourNal 32 32 The Sсienсe of Art Сonservation: Preserving Masterpieсes for Future Generations Mon, 22 Apr 2024 09:15:46 +0000 Art сonservation is both a sсienсe and an art, a deliсate balanсe of preserving the past while ensuring its longevity for the future. From anсient сave paintings to сontemporary installations, artworks faсe the сonstant threat of deterioration due to environmental faсtors, aging materials, and human intervention. However, thanks to advanсements in teсhnology, researсh, and сonservation […]

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Art сonservation is both a sсienсe and an art, a deliсate balanсe of preserving the past while ensuring its longevity for the future. From anсient сave paintings to сontemporary installations, artworks faсe the сonstant threat of deterioration due to environmental faсtors, aging materials, and human intervention. However, thanks to advanсements in teсhnology, researсh, and сonservation praсtiсes, experts сan now employ innovative teсhniques to safeguard priсeless masterpieсes and сultural heritage for generations to сome.

Understanding the Сonservation Proсess

Art сonservation enсompasses a range of interdisсiplinary fields, inсluding сhemistry, materials sсienсe, art history, and сonservation theory. Сonservation professionals, known as сonservators, work tirelessly to preserve and proteсt artworks through metiсulous examination, doсumentation, and treatment. The сonservation proсess typiсally involves several key steps:

  1. Assessment and Doсumentation: Сonservators begin by thoroughly examining the artwork to assess its сondition, materials, and struсtural integrity. They doсument their findings using various teсhniques, suсh as photography, x-ray imaging, and infrared refleсtography, to сreate a сomprehensive reсord of the artwork’s state.
  2. Сleaning and Surfaсe Treatment: Over time, artworks сan aссumulate dirt, grime, and pollutants that obsсure their original appearanсe. Сonservators сarefully сlean the surfaсe of the artwork using gentle solvents and сleaning agents to remove surfaсe сontaminants without damaging the underlying materials. They may also perform surfaсe treatments to stabilize or repair areas of damage, suсh as tears, losses, or flaking paint.
  3. Stabilization and Struсtural Reinforсement: For artworks suffering from struсtural instability or deterioration, сonservators employ teсhniques to stabilize and reinforсe the underlying support struсture. This may involve сonsolidating flaking paint layers, reinforсing weakened сanvas or panel supports, or repairing struсtural damage using reversible сonservation materials.
  4. Preventive Сonservation: In addition to treating existing damage, сonservators foсus on preventive measures to minimize future deterioration and prolong the lifespan of artworks. This inсludes сontrolling environmental faсtors suсh as temperature, humidity, light exposure, and pollutants, as well as implementing proper handling, storage, and display praсtiсes to minimize physiсal damage and degradation over time.
  5. Researсh and Analysis: Сonservation is informed by ongoing researсh and analysis to better understand the materials, teсhniques, and aging proсesses of artworks. Сonservators utilize sсientifiс methods suсh as speсtrosсopy, miсrosсopy, and сhemiсal analysis to identify materials, study degradation meсhanisms, and develop tailored сonservation treatments.

Innovative Teсhniques in Art Сonservation

Advanсements in teсhnology have revolutionized the field of art сonservation, allowing сonservators to employ innovative teсhniques and tools to address сomplex сonservation сhallenges. Some notable examples inсlude:

  1. Digital Imaging and Doсumentation: High-resolution imaging teсhniques suсh as multispeсtral imaging, 3D sсanning, and digital miсrosсopy enable сonservators to сapture detailed images of artworks and analyze them for signs of deterioration or damage. Digital doсumentation faсilitates remote сollaboration, data sharing, and arсhival preservation of сonservation reсords.
  2. Non-Invasive Analysis: Non-destruсtive analytiсal teсhniques suсh as x-ray fluoresсenсe (XRF), infrared speсtrosсopy, and ultraviolet fluoresсenсe imaging allow сonservators to analyze artworks without the need for invasive sampling. These teсhniques provide valuable insights into the сomposition, сondition, and authentiсity of artworks while minimizing the risk of damage.
  3. Nanoteсhnology and Materials Sсienсe: Nanoteсhnology offers new possibilities for сonservation treatments by providing nanosсale materials and сoatings that сan stabilize, repair, or proteсt artworks at the moleсular level. Nanomaterials suсh as nanopartiсles, nanoсomposites, and gels offer unique properties suсh as сontrolled release, self-healing, and enhanсed adhesion for targeted сonservation appliсations.
  4. Bioteсhnology and Miсrobial Сonservation: Bioteсhnologiсal approaсhes harness the power of miсroorganisms and enzymes to remove сontaminants, degrade pollutants, and сombat biologiсal degradation in artworks. Miсrobial-based сleaning agents, bioсonsolidants, and biodeterioration inhibitors offer eсo-friendly solutions for сonserving artworks while minimizing harm to the environment.

Сhallenges and Ethiсal Сonsiderations

Despite the advanсements in art сonservation, сonservators faсe numerous сhallenges and ethiсal сonsiderations in their work. These inсlude:

  1. Limited Resourсes: Сonservation efforts are often сonstrained by limited funding, resourсes, and expertise, partiсularly for smaller institutions and сultural heritage sites with limited budgets.
  2. Сontemporary Art Сonservation: Сontemporary artworks pose unique сhallenges for сonservation due to their experimental materials, unсonventional teсhniques, and сonсeptual nature. Сonservators must navigate ethiсal dilemmas surrounding the preservation of artists’ intentions and the authentiсity of ephemeral or time-based artworks.
  3. Сultural Sensitivity: Сonservation praсtiсes must be sensitive to сultural and religious beliefs, traditions, and values, partiсularly when working with saсred or сulturally signifiсant artworks. Сollaborative approaсhes involving loсal сommunities and stakeholders are essential to ensure respeсtful and сulturally appropriate сonservation interventions.
  4. Сlimate Сhange and Environmental Threats: Сlimate сhange poses a signifiсant threat to сultural heritage, exaсerbating risks suсh as flooding, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels. Сonservation efforts must address the impaсt of сlimate сhange on artworks and сultural sites, inсluding adaptation strategies and risk mitigation measures.

In сonсlusion, the sсienсe of art сonservation plays a vital role in preserving and proteсting our сultural heritage for future generations. Through interdisсiplinary сollaboration, innovative researсh, and ethiсal praсtiсe, сonservators strive to safeguard priсeless masterpieсes and ensure their сontinued enjoyment and appreсiation for сenturies to сome. By understanding the сomplex сhallenges and employing innovative teсhniques, we сan preserve the beauty and signifiсanсe of artworks for the enriсhment of present and future soсieties.

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Artistic wall painting in the interior Wed, 15 Dec 2021 05:45:03 +0000 Artistic mural painting was most popular in the past centuries. With its help the walls of castles and palaces were decorated. Currently it is used less and less often.

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Artistic mural painting was most popular in the past centuries. With its help the walls of castles and palaces were decorated. Currently it is used less and less often. But thanks to modern techniques painting more harmoniously blends into the interior. What are the types of artistic wall paintings? With the help of what techniques is it done?

Features of artistic painting

An excellent option for finishing the room, with the help of which you can realize any fantasy, thereby show your creative taste and imagination. Another advantage of this type of art is the versatility of the decor. The image and color palette can be selected for any style of interior. The result will be a harmonious combination of color, design and general background of the room.

The wall, which will be painted in this way, will be the center of everyone’s attention. All the other details will complement it. The general interior should be less garish and bright, which will properly divide the space. Artistic painting performs not only a decorative function. With its help, you can visually increase or decrease the space, disguise wall defects, zone the room.

Acrylic painting

One of the most widespread modern techniques of painting, which uses acrylic paints. For acrylic painting, it is important to carefully prepare the wall. It must be flat, without defects. Paints are applied on a layer of plaster and acrylic primer for maximum adhesion to the surface.

Acrylic painting has many advantages. The paint dries fastest and has no specific odors. Such a technique can be used in rooms with high humidity. The wall after painting is not subject to dampness and is easily cleaned with a soapy solution. The advantages of acrylic painting should also include the safety and environmental friendliness of the material. Therefore, it is allowed to be used even in children’s rooms.


This technique can also be used for painting walls in the room. Aerographic drawings are applied with the help of special equipment. In this case, the images are smooth and realistic. Due to the transparency of the layers, shades can be regulated. Home appliances are often also decorated with airbrush.

Invisible painting

One of the most original ways to decorate a room. Invisible fluorescent paints when you turn on ultraviolet light show up in the selected drawing. Sometimes they are applied to a finished acrylic image, thus giving it a fantastic and unconventional look. Especially interesting looks discreetly decorated wall, which transforms into an unusual figure in ultraviolet light.

Using luminous paints

Such a basis contains a phosphor, which is responsible for the bright light of the image. As a rule, painting with luminous paints is carried out over acrylic. The phosphor during the day accumulate light, and at nightfall give it away. Painting is especially appropriate for the premises of night bars, bowling alleys and other facilities. Still glowing drawings look beautiful when painting certain interior elements, such as vases or mirror frames.


Rarely is the interior supplemented by painting in the technique of graffiti. As a rule, it is chosen by creative people or people in a young age. For painting, spray paint in cans is used. The pluses of such include quick drying, application on any surface, inexpensive cost.

3D painting

The most modern technique of artistic painting. Nowadays, there are probably no people who have not heard of three-dimensional painting. Now there is also such an opportunity to decorate walls. 3D-paintings are made with acrylic paints. The main difference is the painting technique. Painting visually increases the room.

Visual effects

Artistic painting of walls has its own secrets, which give the image an extraordinary character. Consider the most commonly used visual effects:

  1. obfuscations – a great technique to break through the space, visually expand or increase the height. For example, a small living room can be enlarged with a picture of a porch overlooking a forest or a trick window and a different landscape.
  2. imitation – with painting, you can imitate different textures, stone, plaster, and wood. Professional execution of such painting will ensure realism and resemblance to the original.

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Oshibana – painting with flowers Thu, 04 Nov 2021 03:01:00 +0000 Handmade gifts have always been valued above the purchased ones. The recently fashionable and widespread word combination handmade sounds more and more like a sign of uniqueness

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Handmade gifts have always been valued above the purchased ones. The recently fashionable and widespread word combination handmade sounds more and more like a sign of uniqueness and uniqueness. Handmade is becoming very popular.

Who hasn’t collected herbariums for biology classes and a variety of crafts in school? “Oshibana” or “pressed floristry” is quite ancient art form, came to us from the East. From dried plants you can make full-fledged paintings and collages in many different directions (still life, landscape, portrait).

You get quite full-fledged paintings, only made not with paints and pencils, but by the method of multi-layered application, selecting the color scheme of the dried material.

How to prepare materials?

You can collect natural “colors” at almost any time of the year, depending on the season, weather conditions and regional characteristics. In different seasons leaves of birch, for example, in spring will have a gentle light green hue, and close to winter will change color from golden yellow to dark brown. A unique, unique palette of colors inherent in flowers, shrubs and cereal crops. You can dry the skin of a banana, it will result in a black color. Use the bark and roots, whole assemblages or individual elements of vegetation.

Collected material is dried and made bookmarks in old books and magazines. Glossy pages are not suitable for quality drying. It is best to use old books with dense, porous pages. Bookmarks of plants and flowers do not do very often, after 10-12 pages. Obligatory condition – to press with a nest, something heavy to press.

The sorting process is also fascinating. You need to sort the herbarium by size, color, structure. It is best to store in different files, small boxes and in a dry place.

Creating pictures

Of course, people who have a concept of the basics of drawing and composition will be easier to cope with this type of creativity. But it is possible to engage in erroneous and amateurs, beginners. Just take your favorite picture, drawing, postcard and transfer the contours onto an improvised canvas. Usually it is plywood or fiberboard. It is possible to take ready-made photo frames. Glass is a must. The larger, more monochromatic fragments are glued on first. They are carefully dried under the press. Then the smaller fragments are glued on. At the last stage small details are added, shades and shades are formed, and volume is added if necessary. The already dried oshiban is placed under the glass. The uniqueness of these paintings is undeniable. But also a huge advantage is the possibility of restoring, remodeling, adding necessary elements. Simply remove the unwanted or damaged segment and apply a new layer.

This type of craftsmanship doesn’t require much expense and won’t do much harm to the budget. Involves walking in the fresh air, develops perseverance and fine motor skills, calms the nerves. A great solution for a unique gift that will be exclusive. A wonderful idea for spending time, creativity with children, the whole family.

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Modern paintings for interior Thu, 23 Sep 2021 07:25:33 +0000 The interior of every apartment or house can be completed with a stylish modern painting. Regardless of your financial situation it will be easy to choose an accessory.

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The interior of every apartment or house can be completed with a stylish modern painting. Regardless of your financial situation it will be easy to choose an accessory. The picture complements the room and when properly chosen becomes the final element of the created image. So, for example, the work in bedding colors does not attract public attention, but it complements the interior. Bright and colorful accessories can completely transform a cold and unremarkable room.

The art of our time offers a lot of options for styles, accents and decorations of paintings. The choice among them is quite wide. Choose a suitable option for any room, from the hallway to the bedroom.

What to choose classic or creative works?

The choice between classic or extraordinary paintings depends on the interior design and the purpose of the room. Classic style remains in demand at any time and will fit well in the interior of a bedroom or kitchen. When the room has enough stylish and creative items, then the classics will be very appropriate here. Paintings in soft colors successfully decorate the bedroom.

Creative in paintings are usually represented by such stylistic directions: modern, abstractionism, high-tech and pop art. Such solutions are excellent for stylish rooms that are decorated in a similar direction. The main principle is the right combination of a picture with the background of the interior. The overall look will turn out more interesting and harmonious.

The room could also decorate the modern photo picture. Especially creative is the black and white photo, which will complement any room in the house. No less aesthetically pleasing looks in the office.

Modern picture for the bedroom

In this room, you should not choose works depicting storms or hurricanes, because it can disturb the peace. Also with caution choose bright colors in this room, as some of them are not soothing before sleep. Floral images and tranquil landscapes fit perfectly into the interior.

Accessories for the living room

In this room, the choice of images is much wider. Much depends on the style direction of the interior. For example, to the minimalist style will suit a black and white photo, framed in a metal frame. To the classics it is worth adding modernized works.

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What do flowers talk about? Sun, 05 Sep 2021 01:05:02 +0000 For many years, various peoples have composed stories, legends and myths about flowers. Sometimes the same flower in different peoples had completely different meanings.

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For many years, various peoples have composed stories, legends and myths about flowers. Sometimes the same flower in different peoples had completely different meanings. The tradition of language of flowers was born in the East, where with flowers people could express their emotions, feelings and thoughts. Then this language came to Europe. There were even great dictionaries, telling both about the properties and symbolism of flowers, and the correct composition of flower compositions.

Today we will tell you about some, the most popular flowers and their symbolic meaning, so that you know that you are not just buying a picture, but something more…


This is a bushy plant whose flowers bloom in the spring, in May. Lilacs smell delightful. It is mostly dominated by purple, pink and white colors. Symbolizes the first feelings of falling in love. Purple is the first love, and white is the innocence of the relationship. Paintings of lilacs are very popular.


These are probably some of the most important and popular flowers. Their types are quite diverse. The white rose symbolizes purity, eternal love, reverence, modesty, silence. Red rose – love and passion. yellow rose – happiness, joy and friendship. Pink rose – kindness and consideration. Cream rose – beauty, elegance and perfection. Paintings of roses are very popular, but not every artist can capture their beauty.


In some, especially in eastern countries, they are considered royal flowers. Many people like to grow peony flowers for their lush blossoms. This flower has many symbols, the main ones being wealth, fame, highest happiness, success. In painting pictures of peonies always look very beautiful, sometimes better than in person…


This flower symbolizes simplicity, youthfulness and romance. But in spite of this fact, many people like these flowers, because they remind us of something familiar and cozy. Daisies also come in different kinds and sizes. Artists are very fond of using daisy flowers in their still lifes. and there they do not look at all simple…


What an amazing sight to see the expanse of land, studded with these flowers. Poppies are not only scarlet, but also purple, yellow and white. Poppies symbolize fertility, pleasure, passion. Paintings with poppies are very popular with artists. And the demand among connoisseurs for pictures of poppies is not less.


Flowers of iris can be found on ancient frescoes, which are 4000 years old. Its images were used by many peoples of antiquity, such as the Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, etc. It is a very graceful flower with an incredible palette of colors and shades. Iris symbolizes courage, bravery, boldness. Also, iris flowers are a symbol of friendship. Observing irises, the artist conveys all the things that we most often do not notice. in these flowers. Therefore, paintings with irises are very beautiful.


These flowers are the sunniest of all flowers. When you drive by the fields with sunflowers, you always want to get out and just enjoy this picture. We used to think that sunflowers could only be used as an agricultural crop, but giving a bouquet of sunflowers is gaining popularity today. And these flowers symbolize optimism, joy and cheerfulness. Also sunflowers are a symbol of prosperity. Sunflowers inspired many artists, including such artists as Claude Monet, Paul Gauguin, Van Gogh… And they continue to inspire…

Today we’ve talked about the meaning of just a few of the colors that are most popular in painting. There are still so many colors we haven’t mentioned, but information about each of them is freely available and you can find out.

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Painting or poster? Thu, 10 Jun 2021 08:44:24 +0000 Times are changing rapidly. Today there are already a lot of things that five years ago we didn't think about. Today we're going to talk about posters, prints on canvas.

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Times are changing rapidly. Today there are already a lot of things that five years ago we didn’t think about. Today we’re going to talk about posters, prints on canvas.

Opening the Internet in search of a painting, we increasingly come across the fact that we are offered a huge variety of paintings on any subject. You can even have an absolute copy of Van Gogh, Rembrandt or any other great painter of the past and present at your home. Today the progress of printing markedly stepped forward, offering printing on anything, including a canvas. And it is basically a great substitute for painting and pictures, if you want to buy paintings for the interior, and at the same time to do everything quickly and cheaply. For example, to decorate an office or a cafe, you choose the desired themes and subjects, and in a day or two everything is ready! Yes, and the price doesn’t depend on what is depicted there, but only the volume of materials used. In principle, not bad!

Such paintings-posters are usually printed on natural linen canvases by large format printer. Then to give a more natural effect, they are worked through with paints and covered with texture gel or varnish. The quality of printing is usually very high, which makes it possible to reproduce the entire palette of colors and shades indistinguishable from the original. In this case, the detail of the plot will be almost the same at all sizes. And the best thing about this pleasure is the low price, compared to a “live” picture.

But we want to tell you, friends, that as you know yourself, no fake or imitation of the original, not even a gram will not add value to the work that was invested in the idea and development of the original. It’s like swapping fresh flowers for plastic flowers. There is no artistic or aesthetic value in a poster, and you can never sell it in case you want to change your interior. It’s just not worth anything, because you can print the same one for the whole country!

When you go into someone’s house, visit a cafe or restaurant, stay in a hotel, go to the offices of companies and firms, you will always feel the difference if there are original beautiful things or cheap “plastic” analogues of them. This also applies to paintings and posters. Real paintings by artists are always a rich decoration of any interior, any room. Yes, they don’t cost as much as posters. But remember the times when there were no posters. And paintings were, and always will be an original, distinctive feature of your interior.

We are not urging you to give up posters, functionally they are needed as well. We call not to change real values for props, not to belittle work, creativity and individuality of those who create beautiful things, those whose talent is from God!

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How to take care of a painting? Tue, 04 May 2021 04:26:26 +0000 Hello dear friends, today we will tell you how to take care of paintings that hang in your home or in your workplace. Paintings, like any piece of furniture, need care.

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Hello dear friends, today we will tell you how to take care of paintings that hang in your home or in your workplace. Paintings, like any piece of furniture, need care. Quite a variety of tips you can hear on this subject, but we’ll summarize and highlight the most basic and most simple and reliable!

First of all let’s talk about the things that can have an adverse effect on a painting

  • Avoid direct sunlight on the painting.
  • It is not good to put them near heaters and air conditioners.
  • Paintings do not like the constant differences in temperature and humidity.
  • Do not hang your paintings near stoves and ovens in the kitchen.
  • In any state of painting, it is undesirable to press any objects (especially sharp ones) against the canvas.
  • Paintings in oil should breathe, so do not place them under glass.

How to Clean Your Paintings

And now let’s get to the basics of caring for your painting so that it can last for many, many years.

  • We get rid of dust on the painting’s front side with soft cloths, like flannel or velvet. You can use rags for wiping monitors, touch screens, or glasses. If there isn’t much dust, you can just use a dry rag to wipe it off. If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned your masterpiece, moisten the cloth gently (not so much that it runs!) and wipe your painting without pressing.
  • You can also occasionally wipe the back of the canvas with a rag or brush, though a vacuum cleaner would still be ideal.
  • If the dirt is not just a light dusting, then you can wipe the painting with a soapy solution, but without the lye. Then wipe it with clean water and blot it, so that there is no excess moisture on the painting. Well, and let the picture dry. It is not necessary to scrub the painting hard so as not to damage the paint layer.
  • When the painting is done in big convex strokes, it is better to use a fountain pen, which can easily wipe away every bump and depression without damaging the paint layer.
  • If the soiling is significant, it’s worth consulting a restorer rather than trying to fix it yourself.
  • There are cases of sagging canvas on a painting. In that case, moisten the same cloth and wipe the back side of the canvas. The canvas will be stretched evenly and you won’t see any sag or wrinkle. You can also solve the sagging of the canvas by putting wedges in the corners of the stretcher on the back side if you have a modular stretcher, of course. If you have a solid sub-frame, you will have to re-tension the painting.

Friends, that’s basically all the basic rules for taking good care of your paintings. If you want your paintings to serve you long and faithfully, then don’t be lazy to read this and, even more so, apply it, and then your painting will not lose its original beauty.

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